Born Brian Samuels, better known to the stage as Mc Slick, is a Car Show Host, MC, with a strong cultural, artistic awareness. A native of Brooklyn, U.S.A, he’s become synonymous with what we like to call a Show Closer appeal. He clearly has made the “Car Show host” element something to remember. Standing at 6’4, fashionable, unpredictable in direction, and energetic, MC Slick is associated with turning the mic into a double barrel shotgun.
His ability to combine an eclectic vocabulary with an igniting volume of his trademark raspy voice, allows him to drown a D.J.’s music and command a crowds attention and have them rock to his style of Show Closing. At an early age, it was his love for car’s, music, fashion and entertainment that fueled his desire to find a way to capture its essence to broader audiences.
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